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The Allergies – Magnificent Speeds Vol 1
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Scour Records – Scoured Cream: Vol.01
The mightiest oak grows from the humblest of nut…
Spinforth started his weekly* Scour for the Ghetto Funk website back in January 2011, assisted by fellow Hong Kong Ping Ponger‘s Morphosis and Fat Harry. His quest was to seek out the choicest cuts from the freshest, often unheard of, producers ploughing their trade on SoundCloud. The Scour has blossomed into a bit of a phenomenon, unearthing some of the finest producers to not yet have their tracks out in the DJ scene!
With incredible numbers of people checking out the weekly* posts, it seemed a logical next step to set up a brand new digital label showcasing, and officially releasing, the creamiest of the crop of The Scour. Boom! Scour Records was born!
Expect all Scour traditions to be upheld throughout the initial releases; selection process, BPM order, making up of new words, a touch of nepotism from time to time, it’s all here. The first first release is an eight tracker – It was only mean’t to be five – see what we mean about upholding all Scour traditions
* mostly
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